Initial Activities

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“Free Germany” reported on June 18, 1944 on the theologians’ assembly. A whole page was devoted on June 25 to the “Church and Nation against Hitler”; among other things, summaries of Kayser, Schröder and Krummacher’s assembly speeches were printed. Page one of the issue reprinted the Matthäus Klein’s assembly speech “The Church’s Mission in the Present Hour” in which he called upon Christians to fight against Hitler, the antichrist of our age.

An Appeal to Christians at the Front and at Home”, which had been adopted by assembly attendees and undersigned by twenty-five clergymen, appeared on page one of “Free Germany” on July 16, 1944. It called upon Christians to unite in the “Free Germany” movement against Hitler out of Christian duty. Photos of the assembly appeared in “Free Germany in Pictures” in July, too, under the title “The Church Summons the Nation”.

Council members were given stationery with a letterhead of its own for their correspondence.

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  • © Christiane Godt-Schröder